CommunityVotes Sudbury 2025

Castle Plumbing & Heating (Sudbury) Ltd

Nominate 'Castle Plumbing & Heating (Sudbury) Ltd' in the following categories.
Nominate Nominated! Air Conditioning Cleaning & Repair in Services
Nominate Nominated! Fireplaces and Gas Stoves in Retail Stores
Nominate Nominated! Furnace Repair & Maintenance in Services
Nominate Nominated! Gas Fitting and Piping in Home, Builders and Contractors
Nominate Nominated! Hardware Store in Retail Stores
Nominate Nominated! Heating and Cooling in Home, Builders and Contractors
Nominate Nominated! Plumbers and Plumbing in Home, Builders and Contractors

Castle Plumbing & Heating (Sudbury) Ltd

581 Edna St
Sudbury, ON    P3C 3P1

Comprehensive Plumbing Services in Sudbury

Your plumbing is essentially the beating heart of your home. If there is a problem in the system, you won’t be able to do a lot of regular activities such as washing, cleaning and drinking. It is not always possible to predict when you will require maintenance services, so it is a good idea to have your pipes checked on a regular basis. Castle Plumbing & Heating Ltd. is a locally owned organization which has been proudly providing plumbing and HVAC services to Sudbury and the surrounding areas since February 2, 1990. Over the past twenty years, we have grown from one plumber working out of a personal vehicle to a staff of twenty employees; managing operations out of a building with a full fleet of service vehicles. Castle Plumbing & Heating provides residential and commercial servicing of plumbing, heating, and air conditioning systems; and is also a public retailer of the goods involved with these services. We are also experienced in water filtration, pump repairs and installation; and are a licensed well contractor under Regulation 903 of the MOE. For more information, contact Castle Plumbing & Heating today.